Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hemerocallis sp.

Hemerocallis sp.


Daylily is the common name of the species, hybrids and cultivars of the genus Hemerocallis . The flowers of these plants are highly diverse in colour and form, often resulting from hybridization by gardening enthusiasts. Once considered part of the Liliaceae family, such as Lilium (true lilies), the genus name was given to the family Hemerocallidaceae in later circumscriptions.

The flowers of some species are edible and are used in Chinese cuisine. They are sold (fresh or dried) in Asian markets as gum jum or golden needles or yellow flower vegetables . They are used in hot and sour soup, daylily soup, Buddha's delight, and moo shu pork. The young green leaves and the tubers of some (but not all species are also edible. The plant has also been used for medicinal purposes. Care must be used as some species can be toxic.

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